Category Archives: Zodiac Compatibility

How to Boost Your Fortune During Your Chinese Zodiac Year

How to Boost Your Fortune During Your Chinese Zodiac Year The intricate tapestry of the Chinese zodiac reveals not just one’s character traits, but also the fortune or misfortune one might face in particular years. Discover how you can tilt the cosmic balance in your favor during your zodiac year. Zodiac Year: An Overview A […]

Finding Your Zodiac Match: Best Work Partners

A timeless Chinese proverb states, “Within his home, a man leans on his parents; outside, he relies on friends.” Yet another reminds us, “A friend in commerce holds greater value than treasure amassed.” A wealth of friendships offers the riches of support and guidance throughout life’s journey. The right ally not only enhances one’s professional […]

Chinese Zodiac Compatibility

12 Chinese Zodiac Marital Matches (1) Marital Match for People Born in the Year of the Rat The Rat corresponds to the first zodiac sign while the Ox is the second. Marriages between Rat and Ox individuals tend to be long-lasting, indicating a good marital bond. People born in the year of the Rat have […]