Category Archives: Year of the Snake

Best Matches for Snake

Zodiac Compatibility: The Best Matches for Snake People born in the Year of the Snake are often perceived as enigmatic and suspicious, but they possess strong willpower, meticulous thought processes, and excellent planning skills. They are adept at seizing opportunities and completing tasks efficiently with their detailed approach. But which zodiac signs are most compatible […]

Snake’s Personality by Western Astrology Signs

Aries Snakes Aries (March 21 to April 20) belongs to the fire element. The Snake represents the fire element, and when combined with Aries, it can either amplify the fiery energy or clash and lead to mutual destruction. Aries Snakes are volatile and approach situations aggressively. They face internal struggles: on one hand, they seek […]

Five Elements of Zodiac Snake

The Lives of People Born in the Year of the Snake in Five Categories In the 60 combinations of the Chinese Zodiac cycle for the Snake, there are combinations like “乙巳 (Yi Si)”, “丁巳 (Ding Si)”, “己巳 (Ji Si)”, “辛巳 (Xin Si)”, and “癸巳 (Gui Si)”. Their corresponding Five Elements are different: Yi is Wood, […]