Category Archives: Year of the Ox

Best Matches for Ox

Zodiac Compatibility: The Best Matches for Ox In traditional Chinese culture, zodiac compatibility is often considered when choosing a life partner. So, which zodiac signs are the best matches for those born in the Year of the Ox? Here’s an explanation from the experts: Ox and Rat The Ox and Rat pairing is considered exceptionally […]

Five Elements of Zodiac Ox

The Lives of People Born in the Year of the Ox in Five Categories Within the 60 combinations of the Chinese Zodiac cycle for the Ox, there are combinations such as “乙丑 (Yi Chou)”, “丁丑 (Ding Chou)”, “己丑 (Ji Chou)”, “辛丑 (Xin Chou)”, and “癸丑 (Gui Chou)”. Their corresponding Five Elements are different: Yi is […]