Year of the Horse

The Lucky Symbols for Horse Zodiac People

1. Lucky Charms for Horse Zodiac People

In the twelve Chinese zodiac signs, the animal that gets along best with the Horse is the Goat, followed by the Tiger and Dog. The least compatible animal for the Horse is the Rat, followed by the Ox. The remaining zodiac signs are generally neutral. Therefore, it’s advisable for those born in the year of the Horse to avoid wearing charms in the shape of a Rat or Ox.

2. Lucky Numbers for Horse Zodiac People

Lucky numbers: 2, 7.

Unlucky numbers: 1, 6.

3. Lucky Colors for Horse Zodiac People

The lucky color is red.

For better fortune, those born under the Horse zodiac sign should predominantly use items in red, green, and blue shades.

4. Lucky Days for Horse Zodiac People

Friday is the lucky day.

The Life Destiny of Those Born in the Year of the Horse

1. Character Traits of Horse Individuals

People born in the Year of the Horse possess a fiery temperament, characterized by an upbeat and proactive personality. They are clever, agile, affable, and have a big-picture mentality. As such, they often stand out and achieve success at a young age. However, like everyone, they have flaws. At times, they may demand others to immerse themselves in intense work just as they do. When the outcomes don’t match their expectations, they become disgruntled. Impulsiveness and a quick temper are their primary weaknesses. Moreover, they often struggle to recognize and rectify these traits promptly. Additionally, Horse individuals can sometimes be disrespectful and even borderline rude.

Those born under the Horse sign tend to be energetic. Their greatest strengths include confidence, kindness, and a knack for managing finances. The Horse, in the zodiac sequence, symbolizes a playboy or a social butterfly. They always seek fun, are generous, and have a laid-back attitude. They act swiftly, decisively, and are clever. Horse individuals are independent thinkers with clear likes and dislikes. They don’t easily submit to others’ wills. While they’re sociable and make friends easily, they don’t overly rely on these friendships. They also enjoy intellectual exercises and sports, which is evident in their nimble actions, graceful posture, and fast speech. However, they sometimes exhibit weaknesses like indecisiveness and impatience.

Horse individuals differ based on the season of their birth:

Spring Horse:

Carefree, not bothered by trivialities. They live a relaxed and easy-going life, liked by friends and family, with a moderate financial situation.

Summer Horse:

Constantly busy, facing many ups and downs in life. Financially, they often feel tight. Their fortunes may change with the help of friends of the opposite gender.

Autumn Horse:

Honest and prioritizing righteousness over profit. They sometimes clash with superiors due to their independent working style but can quickly forget and move on from disagreements.

Winter Horse:

Busy lives with many challenges, especially in their younger years. Later in life, with the support of friends, there are opportunities for improvement. However, they must seize these chances or live an average life. They often carry significant family responsibilities.

See also  Horse’s Personality by Western Astrology Signs

2. Career Choices for Horse Individuals

Horse individuals, being intelligent and capable, prefer autonomy in their work, valuing the freedom to work at their own pace. Hence, they might lean towards freelance professions or roles where they can operate independently – such as journalists, writers, editors, broadcasters, lyricists, entertainers, fashion designers, beauticians, etc.

Their active nature makes it challenging for them to engage in monotonous, rule-bound tasks or managerial roles for extended periods. However, they are sincere and have a vast network, making them suitable for roles that require interactions, like real estate agents, advertising, insurance, talent agents, public relations, leadership roles in associations, or as representatives in public office.

Additionally, their inherent dual nature of being both passive and active creates an aura of complexity and mystery, mirroring the typical temperament of artists. Thus, professions related to art and aesthetics, like painting, photography, and graphic design, are also suitable choices.

3. Love and Marriage for Horse Individuals

While Horse individuals are straightforward and direct, they tend to be indecisive when it comes to love, which often leads them to miss out on great romantic opportunities. They are typically the nostalgic type: when they commit, they do so deeply, often dedicating their hard work and efforts to their loved ones. Easily enamored, they can become emotionally drained due to relationships. When deeply in love, they might overlook everything else, even to the extent of making sacrifices and giving up everything, which can sometimes lead to their downfall. It’s essential for Horse individuals to remember that love cannot be forced; going with the flow can yield better outcomes. They should be tolerant and restrained with their family, avoiding unnecessary conflicts over minor issues. For those living away from their partners, constant communication is crucial.

Best Matches: Tiger, Sheep, Dog.

Avoid Matches: Rat, Ox, Rabbit, Rooster.

General compatibility of the Horse with other zodiac signs:

● Horse and Rat

  • Male Horse + Female Rat: Not very harmonious. Both can be moody, leading to a superficial bond.
  • Female Horse + Male Rat: This pairing should be avoided as both tend to be impulsive, which can result in unfortunate events like divorce.

● Horse and Ox

  • Male Horse + Female Ox: The wife desires control, while the husband is self-centered, leading to potential discord.
  • Female Horse + Male Ox: It’s challenging for both to coexist due to mutual misunderstandings.

● Horse and Tiger

  • Male Horse + Female Tiger: They can coexist harmoniously as long as the husband fulfills his responsibilities and provides emotional support.
  • Female Horse + Male Tiger: An ideal union where the husband respects and protects the wife’s independence.

● Horse and Rabbit

  • Male Horse + Female Rabbit: A blissful marriage where the wife creates a warm home, bringing immense satisfaction to the husband.
  • Female Horse + Male Rabbit: The husband is a loyal companion to the wife, and love can flourish if the wife remains committed.

● Horse and Dragon

  • Male Horse + Female Dragon: Not an ideal marriage, as the wife seeks attention, but the husband tends to be self-centered.
  • Female Horse + Male Dragon: The relationship follows its course, but its longevity is uncertain.
See also  Horse’s Personality by Blood Types

● Horse and Snake

  • Male Horse + Female Snake: They can coexist, but the husband must make efforts to keep the wife happy.
  • Female Horse + Male Snake: It’s tough to maintain a joyful household, as the husband’s philandering might drive the wife away.

● Horse and Horse

  • Male Horse + Female Horse: A harmonious marriage where both parties understand and support each other.

● Horse and Sheep (Goat)

  • Male Horse + Female Sheep: A blissful and content love life. The husband admires the wife, providing her with a sense of security.
  • Female Horse + Male Sheep: It’s best to avoid this pairing, as the husband is more interested in the wife’s wealth.

● Horse and Monkey

  • Male Horse + Female Monkey: Difficult to coexist due to mutual misunderstandings.
  • Female Horse + Male Monkey: Not an ideal match; the woman seeks genuine affection, not cunning strategies.

● Horse and Rooster (Chicken)

  • Male Horse + Female Rooster: Impossible to live harmoniously; she cannot tolerate your eccentricities.
  • Female Horse + Male Rooster: He isn’t your ideal match; don’t miss out on better options.

● Horse and Dog

  • Male Horse + Female Dog: They can live together harmoniously. The wife is busy chasing her dreams and needs the husband’s support.
  • Female Horse + Male Dog: A fulfilling marriage; he will dedicate everything to you.

● Horse and Pig (Boar)

  • Male Horse + Female Pig: The man shouldn’t take advantage of the woman, or the love can’t continue.
  • Female Horse + Male Pig: A discordant relationship. The husband is never satisfied with the wife’s affections, and the wife can’t tolerate the husband’s self-centeredness.

Yearly Fortunes of Those Born in the Year of the Horse

● Horse in the Year of the Rat

This year may bring personal losses, disagreements, and possible legal battles. However, after some challenges, good fortune will come, aided by benefactors. The difficulties will pass quickly.

● Horse in the Year of the Ox

Stars favor the Horse, bringing luck and achievements. However, unexpected challenges arise in the middle of the year. It’s essential to act cautiously and avoid conflicts, especially with close friends and gamble.

● Horse in the Year of the Tiger

This year brings fluctuations in fortune. Though you’ll be faced with various challenges, no significant harm will come your way. It’s best to maintain a conservative attitude throughout the year and avoid dubious associates.

● Horse in the Year of the Rabbit

A year of joy and prosperity, but also of distractions. There may be moments of discord and disputes. However, with the blessings of the stars, all will be well. It’s essential to manage relationships well and avoid being too greedy.

● Horse in the Year of the Dragon

The year sees ups and downs, with plenty of uncertainties. It’s vital to focus on a single endeavor for success. Beware of plots against you.

● Horse in the Year of the Snake

Health issues might arise. You may find yourself restless, moving from one place to another. It’s a challenging year for making genuine friends and for financial gains. Seeking spiritual guidance may prove beneficial.

● Horse in the Year of the Horse

A prosperous year awaits. Business thrives, and there may be opportunities for promotion. Wearing a dragon-phoenix jade can be beneficial to ward off negative energy. The year is ideal for business expansion.

See also  Five Elements of Zodiac Horse

● Horse in the Year of the Sheep (Goat)

The Sun star shines brightly, bringing good luck. Though there might be obstacles mid-year, you can still find fortune if you tread cautiously. Avoid being overly ambitious.

● Horse in the Year of the Monkey

The year is a mixed bag of fortunes. There might be some gains, but also losses. Small businesses will fare better this year.

● Horse in the Year of the Rooster (Chicken)

Steady progress is forecasted. Opportunities for financial gains will arise multiple times throughout the year. Hiring loyal and competent assistants can help in business expansion.

● Horse in the Year of the Dog

The year promises professional growth with multiple promotions in the offing. However, there may be setbacks in business. Having the courage and determination can help in navigating through challenges.

● Horse in the Year of the Pig (Boar)

The year may see a decline in fortunes. Investments, especially in stocks, should be approached with caution. Building a network with influential friends can prove advantageous.

Yearly Fortunes of Those Born in the Year of the Horse

● Born in the Water Horse Year (1942, 2002)

Those born in this year are humble and kind-hearted. They empathize and often put others before themselves, earning admiration from peers. They might be impulsive and emotional, yet receive support from those around them. Relationships are harmonious, and they are favored by the opposite sex. However, their indecisive nature can be a challenge in relationships. They are generous and often help friends in financial distress, yet should be careful not to get embroiled in monetary disputes.

● Born in the Wood Horse Year (1954)

These individuals are hardworking and frugal but can be impatient and quick-tempered. They start projects with enthusiasm but may not always finish them. They are independent-minded, often clashing with others. Enhancing patience and building good interpersonal relationships are essential. They have excellent financial prospects, though they need to avoid acting hastily.

● Born in the Fire Horse Year (1966)

Those born in this year are intelligent with keen observational skills and strong ambitions. However, they can be stubborn and often act on their own, which can lead to misunderstandings. Seeking advice from others can lead to earlier success. While they may face challenges early in life, there’s potential for financial growth, especially through side ventures.

● Born in the Earth Horse Year (1978)

Luck often favors these individuals. They are friendly, intelligent, optimistic, and good at socializing. They have a reputation for being trustworthy and are often sought out for advice. Although they can be impulsive, they are diligent and responsible. They enjoy the trust of friends and get assistance in tough times. While their early years might be challenging, perseverance will bring sweet rewards. Male individuals will be influential, while females will bring honor to their family and are blessed with a harmonious life.

● Born in the Metal Horse Year (1990)

While they have a strong-willed nature, they are genuinely kind-hearted. They deal with people openly and sincerely, without ulterior motives. They are always ready to help and don’t expect anything in return. However, their straightforwardness might sometimes offend others unintentionally. Their work ethic often gains them favor with superiors, but they prefer doing things at their own pace and relying on their capabilities. Their financial prospects are good, ensuring a comfortable life. They maintain a good standard of living, though they might not be extremely wealthy.