Tiger Personality by Birth Month

People Born in January of the Tiger Year:

  • Traits: Confident, upright, serious, principled.
  • Career: Flourish if they work diligently, but might lose their straightforward nature in tumultuous environments.
  • Relationships: Lack communication skills and have difficulty expressing love.
  • Compatibility: Women are suited with men born in Rabbit year (September) or Goat year (March). Men match well with women from Dragon year (September).

People Born in February of the Tiger Year:

  • Traits: Broad-minded, not meticulous, believe in hard work’s reward, strong execution.
  • Lifestyle: Casual attitude to punctuality.
  • Relationships: Men are strong outside but daydreamers. Women are typical homemakers.
  • Compatibility: Women match with men from Monkey year (March). Men with Rat year (June) or Tiger year (September).

People Born in March of the Tiger Year:

  • Traits: Compassionate, sensitive, philanthropic.
  • Personality: Appear carefree but can be insecure.
  • Relationships: Like to be with similar personalities but different backgrounds.
  • Compatibility: Women with Rabbit year (May) or Rooster year (February). Men with Rabbit year (January) or Dog year (July).

People Born in April of the Tiger Year:

  • Traits: Optimistic, ambitious.
  • Career: Achievements likely after 35. Suitable for investigative roles.
  • Relationships: Like to save face and aren’t suited for detailed work.
  • Compatibility: Women with Dog year (June) or Rooster year (A particular month was cut off). Men with Horse year (February).

People Born in May of the Tiger Year:

  • Traits: Assertive, admired by others. Can be shy and indecisive.
  • Lifestyle: Not suitable for one-on-one client interactions. Should consider living away from parents.
  • Compatibility: Women with Ox year (February). Men, having a charming demeanor, with Horse year (August) or Monkey year (A specific month was cut off).
See also  Tiger’s Personality by Western Astrology Signs

People Born in June of the Tiger Year:

  • Traits: Direct, enthusiastic but impulsive.
  • Relationships: Women often rush into love without deep understanding.
  • Compatibility: Women with Rabbit year (July) or Tiger year (February). Men prefer curvy women and match with Horse year (May) or Ox year (October).

Born in July (Tiger Year):

  • Traits: Efficient, meticulous in planning, self-regulating, great at time management.
  • Career: Smooth-sailing, but post-45 may face challenges due to subordinates’ mistakes. However, their loyalty earns them help from others.
  • Compatibility:
    • Females: Best matched with men born in February of the Tiger Year or June of the Ox Year.
    • Males: Best matched with women born in November of the Ox Year or November of the Horse Year.

Born in August (Tiger Year):

  • Traits: Intuitive, experiential learners, independent problem-solvers, possessive of their children.
  • Compatibility:
    • Females: Best matched with men born in December of the Rabbit Year or October of the Goat Year.
    • Males: Seek carefree but not careless women; best matched with women born in October of the Sheep Year or June of the Dragon Year.

Born in September (Tiger Year):

  • Traits: Optimistic, content with status quo, love vibrant lifestyles, struggle with consistency.
  • Compatibility:
    • Females: Seek husbands with a strong controlling nature; best matched with men born in March of the Monkey Year or February of the Tiger Year.
    • Males: Seek beautiful, nurturing wives; best matched with women born in April of the Horse Year or October of the Sheep Year.

Born in October (Tiger Year):

  • Traits: Ascends socially with ease, good career opportunities, wide social circle, can be overly optimistic.
  • Compatibility:
    • Females: Seek partners at least as successful as their fathers; best matched with men born in August of the Rooster Year or October of the Dog Year.
    • Males: Seek meticulous wives due to their own carelessness; best matched with women born in October of the Rabbit Year.
See also  Tiger’s Personality by Blood Types

Born in November (Tiger Year):

  • Traits: Direct, stubborn, and dedicated. They excel in roles that allow them to lead and despise menial tasks.
  • Compatibility:
    • Females: Career-driven and may delay marriage. When older, they value a partner’s financial and social status; best matched with men born in July of the Tiger Year or January of the Dragon Year.
    • Males: Straightforward and tough in relationships; best matched with women born in November of the Rat Year or February of the Sheep Year.

Born in December (Tiger Year):

  • Traits: Values self-worth and social status, seeks fame and fortune, highly confident, can be manipulative, or overly flattery.
  • Compatibility:
    • Females: Extremely career-driven, often delegate child care to others; they are great supporters for their husbands.
    • Males: Sometimes show a stern face to family; best matched with women born in March of the Rat Year.