Lucky Objects:Three-Legged Toad(金蟾传说)

The Legend of the Three-Legged Toad (金蟾传说):

The legend of the Three-Legged Toad is associated with Liu Hai, a character from Chinese mythology. Liu Hai was one of the disciples of the Eight Immortals, specifically the disciple of Lu Dongbin. According to the legend, while on his travels, Liu Hai tamed a three-legged toad with the magical ability to produce money or wealth. Liu Hai was known for his generosity and charitable acts, and this three-legged toad helped him by producing money to give to the poor.

Because of Liu Hai’s fondness for acts of charity and the toad’s ability to create wealth, this creature became associated with bringing prosperity and good fortune. As a result, the Three-Legged Toad is often regarded as a symbol of wealth and is considered a valuable feng shui tool.

In Chinese culture, there is a saying “月中有蟾蜍,” which means “there is a toad in the moon.” In ancient Chinese art, you can often find depictions of a three-legged toad on a round disc, symbolizing the sun and the moon. This imagery represents the idea of turning bad luck into good luck and is believed to bring good fortune.

The Functions of the Three-Legged Toad (金蟾的功用):

  1. Wealth Attraction: The Three-Legged Toad is believed to have the power to attract wealth and prosperity. It is often placed in homes or businesses to invite financial abundance.
  2. Curing and Remedies: When placed in certain locations, the Three-Legged Toad is thought to help remedy negative energy or feng shui afflictions. It is believed to protect against bad luck and misfortune.
  3. Protection: The Three-Legged Toad is also considered a protector and is believed to ward off evil spirits and negative influences.
  4. Transformation: Its three legs and coin in its mouth symbolize the transformation of financial difficulties into financial opportunities.
See also  Lucky Objects:The Mother and Son Dragon Turtle (龙龟)

How to Use the Three-Legged Toad (摆放方法):

Placement in the Wealth Area: Placing the Three-Legged Toad in the wealth or prosperity area of your home or office is common. This area is typically determined using the Bagua map in feng shui.

Facing Inward: It is recommended to position the Three-Legged Toad with its head facing inward, symbolizing the toad bringing wealth into your space.

Turning Ritual: Some people practice a ritual where they periodically turn the Three-Legged Toad nine times to activate its wealth-attracting powers. This is believed to keep the energy flowing and to enhance its effectiveness.

In Business: Business owners often place the Three-Legged Toad on their office desk or in the wealth corner of their workplace to attract financial success.

At Home: In homes, it can be placed in the living room, near the entrance, or in the wealth corner to promote financial well-being and protect against negative energy.