Tag Archives: Five Elements

Five Elements of Zodiac Pig

The Lives of People Born in the Year of the Pig in Five Categories In the 60 combinations of the Chinese Zodiac cycle for the Pig, the combinations are “乙亥 (Yi Hai)”, “丁亥 (Ding Hai)”, “己亥 (Ji Hai)”, “辛亥 (Xin Hai)”, and “癸亥 (Gui Hai)”. Their corresponding Five Elements are different: Yi is Wood, Ding […]

Five Elements of Zodiac Dog

The Lives of People Born in the Year of the Dog in Five Categories In the 60 combinations of the Chinese Zodiac cycle for the Dog, the combinations are “甲戌 (Jia Xu)”, “丙戌 (Bing Xu)”, “戊戌 (Wu Xu)”, “庚戌 (Geng Xu)”, and “壬戌 (Ren Xu)”. Their corresponding Five Elements are different: Jia is Wood, Bing […]

Five Elements of Zodiac Rooster

The Lives of People Born in the Year of the Rooster in Five Categories In the 60 combinations of the Chinese Zodiac cycle for the Rooster, the combinations are “乙酉 (Yi You)”, “丁酉 (Ding You)”, “己酉 (Ji You)”, “辛酉 (Xin You)”, and “癸酉 (Gui You)”. Their corresponding Five Elements are different: Yi is Wood, Ding […]

Five Elements of Zodiac Monkey

The Lives of People Born in the Year of the Monkey in Five Categories In the 60 combinations of the Chinese Zodiac cycle for the Monkey, there are combinations like “甲申 (Jia Shen)”, “丙申 (Bing Shen)”, “戊申 (Wu Shen)”, “庚申 (Geng Shen)”, and “壬申 (Ren Shen)”. Their corresponding Five Elements are different: Jia is Wood, […]

Five Elements of Zodiac Goat

The Lives of People Born in the Year of the Goat in Five Categories In the 60 combinations of the Chinese Zodiac cycle for the Goat, there are combinations like “乙未 (Yi Wei)”, “丁未 (Ding Wei)”, “己未 (Ji Wei)”, “辛未 (Xin Wei)”, and “癸未 (Gui Wei)”. Their corresponding Five Elements are different: Yi is Wood, […]

Five Elements of Zodiac Ox

The Lives of People Born in the Year of the Ox in Five Categories Within the 60 combinations of the Chinese Zodiac cycle for the Ox, there are combinations such as “乙丑 (Yi Chou)”, “丁丑 (Ding Chou)”, “己丑 (Ji Chou)”, “辛丑 (Xin Chou)”, and “癸丑 (Gui Chou)”. Their corresponding Five Elements are different: Yi is […]

Five Elements of Zodiac Rabbit

The Lives of People Born in the Year of the Rabbit in Five Categories Within the 60 combinations of the Chinese Zodiac cycle for the Rabbit, there are combinations like “乙卯 (Yi Mao)”, “丁卯 (Ding Mao)”, “己卯 (Ji Mao)”, “辛卯 (Xin Mao)”, and “癸卯 (Gui Mao)”. Their corresponding Five Elements are different: Yi is Wood, […]

Five Elements of Zodiac Snake

The Lives of People Born in the Year of the Snake in Five Categories In the 60 combinations of the Chinese Zodiac cycle for the Snake, there are combinations like “乙巳 (Yi Si)”, “丁巳 (Ding Si)”, “己巳 (Ji Si)”, “辛巳 (Xin Si)”, and “癸巳 (Gui Si)”. Their corresponding Five Elements are different: Yi is Wood, […]

Five Elements of Zodiac Dragon

The Lives of People Born in the Year of the Dragon in Five Categories In the 60 combinations of the Chinese Zodiac cycle for the Dragon, there are combinations like “甲辰 (Jia Chen)”, “丙辰 (Bing Chen)”, “戊辰 (Wu Chen)”, “庚辰 (Geng Chen)”, and “壬辰 (Ren Chen)”. Their corresponding Five Elements are different: Jia is Wood, […]

Five Elements of Zodiac Horse

The Lives of People Born in the Year of the Horse in Five Categories In the 60 combinations of the Chinese Zodiac cycle for the Horse, there are combinations like “甲午 (Jia Wu)”, “丙午 (Bing Wu)”, “戊午 (Wu Wu)”, “庚午 (Geng Wu)”, and “壬午 (Ren Wu)”. Their corresponding Five Elements are different: Jia is Wood, […]