How to Spot and Resolve Unclean Elements in Your House

clean house

When it comes to selecting a home, one aspect often overlooked is the impact of its feng shui – the ancient Chinese practice of harmonizing individuals with their surrounding environment. This article delves into identifying unclean elements within a house, a crucial aspect often highlighted in feng shui, and how they can influence the well-being of its inhabitants.

Identifying Signs of Unclean Elements in a House:

Prone to Illness

In an unclean house, people may experience negative emotions like anxiety, depression, and fear. After residing for a while, one may feel mentally depleted, emotionally unstable, lethargic, and increasingly negative. This environment can also lead to a decline in physical health, making diseases hard to cure, wounds slow to heal, and conditions like rheumatoid arthritis more likely.

Bad Odors in the House

If there are faint smells of rot or foul odors at home, it’s important to check for dead cockroaches or rats. If the smell persists after cleaning, it requires careful attention. If laziness in disposing of garbage is causing the smell, cleaning can help eliminate it. However, if the odor remains, it signifies that the room is enveloped by unclean elements.

Deaths of Family Members After Moving In

If more than two people in a household die or suffer major traffic accidents after moving into a new house, the property might have adverse energy, such as being in the path of harmful forces or having malevolent spirits. Houses facing roads, or with specific negative feng shui features, can attract severe misfortunes.

See also  Feng Shui and the Unoccupied Home: Understanding the Subtle Energies

Perpetually Dark and Damp

Folklore suggests that evil spirits and ghosts prefer to reside in cool, dark, and lightless environments. If a house is often dark and damp, causing feelings of coldness, tension, and fear, especially if young children in the house cry frequently, it indicates the presence of unclean items. It is advisable to move out promptly.

Understanding the Impact:

These signs are not just physical or emotional responses; they are deeply rooted in feng shui and cultural beliefs. Recognizing and addressing these elements is crucial for the well-being of the residents, both physically and spiritually.

Preventive Measures and Solutions:

Maintaining a clean and positive home environment is essential. Regular cleaning, ensuring adequate lighting and ventilation, and using feng shui remedies can help dispel negative energies. However, if the issues persist, it may be wise to consider relocating to a more harmonious environment.


The health and happiness of a household are profoundly affected by its environment. Recognizing and addressing unclean elements in your home is not just about physical cleanliness but also about ensuring emotional and spiritual well-being. A mindful approach to your living environment can lead to a more harmonious and prosperous life.