Monkey Personality by Birth Month

Birth Month Fortune for People Born in the Year of the Monkey

Born in the First Lunar Month:

People born in the first month of the Year of the Monkey, influenced by the previous Year of the Goat, are generally gentle and non-confrontational. They’re proactive but indifferent to matters that don’t concern them directly. This often gives others the impression that they are cold-hearted. They are more active during the night, and upon waking in the morning, they tend to feel listless. Fortunately, this doesn’t affect their longevity. When it comes to relationships, males should choose introverted, non-social females as partners, while females should seek males born in the second month of the Goat year or the first month of the Rabbit year.

Born in the Second Lunar Month: Those born in this month are naturally carefree optimists. They have good social skills but lack depth. They are meddlesome yet diligent in their tasks. They don’t want others to interfere in their personal matters. They often stand out in their youth and quickly assume leadership roles in organizations. However, their lack of sincerity means that over time, they lose the trust of others. In relationships, females should seek males born in the sixth month of the Rat year, while males should look for compassionate females born in the fifth month of the Horse year.

Born in the Third Lunar Month:

Individuals born in this month of the Monkey year pay great attention to their appearance. Even the males are quite particular about their attire. They prioritize their interests over work, not because they are careless, but because they know how to enjoy life. They work sincerely, and their efforts are recognized by superiors. In groups, they prefer to stay in the background, yet they often find themselves in significant roles. Their frivolous nature makes them prone to infidelity, especially after the age of 30. They might get entangled in inappropriate relationships with married individuals. For relationships, males should choose virtuous females born in the eleventh month of the Goat year, while females should opt for wise and profound males born in the twelfth month of the Rat year.

Born in the Fourth Lunar Month:

People born in the fourth month of the Year of the Monkey have many acquaintances, but very few close confidants. They carry an inexplicable sense of loneliness inside them. However, they are optimistic, hardworking, and possess a burning ambition. To reach greater heights, they’re willing to relentlessly push forward, displaying a proactive attitude. Female individuals born in this month are career-driven and don’t see themselves settling for the role of an ordinary housewife. They are generous, nurturing, and great homemakers, able to manage household chores meticulously. However, it’s advisable for them to always consult with their husbands even on minor matters, respecting their opinions rather than making unilateral decisions. In terms of relationships, males should choose sociable females born in the second month of the Dragon year or the third month of the Ox year. Females are well-matched with males born in the fifth month of the Rabbit year.

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Born in the Fifth Lunar Month: Those born in this month of the Monkey year are intelligent but lack diligence. Although they possess great potential, their brilliance often backfires due to their own lack of effort. They’re frequently discontented with reality and prone to self-blame. They often experience significant emotional stress, leading some to resort to sedatives or tranquilizers for relief, which is a habit that needs breaking. Participating in positive recreational activities is beneficial for their mental and physical health. For such individuals, minor disagreements can lead to major fallouts. In relationships, they might break up over trivial issues. Hence, “parting ways” seems to be a recurring theme throughout their lives. If they can manage their impulsive nature, they can achieve great things. In terms of relationships, males should opt for females who are organized and clean, born in the fifth month of the Horse year or the tenth month of the Dragon year. Females should look for hardworking, salaried males.

Born in the Sixth Lunar Month:

People born in this month of the Monkey year struggle with self-control and have emotional highs and lows. They prefer a lively atmosphere and detest solitude. Their moods greatly influence their actions, and when they are down, they can lose all motivation and ambition. One notable trait is their enchanting voice, which often makes a captivating impression over the phone. These individuals tend to indulge in alcohol, especially when they’re emotionally distressed. In terms of relationships, males are well-matched with gentle females born in the fifth month of the Goat year or the second month of the Rat year. Females should seek reliable and stable males born in the tenth month of the Ox year or the third month of the Rabbit year.

Born in the Seventh Lunar Month:

People born in the seventh month of the Monkey year are adventurous and willing to try anything. In a company, even if they are suddenly transferred to a completely different department, they won’t feel anxious or unfamiliar; instead, they’ll happily accept the challenge. In a short time, they adapt and become experts in their new roles. In terms of relationships, males should consider females born in the eighth month of the Goat year. Females are well-matched with males born in the third month of the Horse year or the second month of the Rat year.

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Born in the Eighth Lunar Month:

Individuals born in the eighth month of the Monkey year have an innate innocence and strictly adhere to rules. For instance, even in the dead of night when streets are empty, they’ll follow traffic rules and won’t run a red light. Females born this month possess a sound life philosophy and are meticulous in their day-to-day living. They disdain those who frequent dubious entertainment places. They are romantics at heart, cherishing moments like walking hand-in-hand with their loved ones or sharing feelings under the moonlight. In terms of relationships, males should look for intelligent and lively females born in the ninth month of the Monkey year. Females are advised to consider robust, energetic males with strong family values born in the third month of the Ox year.

Born in the Ninth Lunar Month:

People born in the ninth month of the Monkey year tend to get very nervous and become flustered when faced with challenges. Their anxiety stems from a lack of confidence, stemming from fears of failure and setbacks. For example, the moment an exam bell rings, they might feel an urge to visit the restroom or experience heart palpitations. Females often feel insecure about their looks or talents. In a tea house, if a stranger stares at her, she might get anxious and continuously adjust her dress. Those born in the Monkey year in September often doubt their abilities, feeling inferior to others, which often leads to failure. When faced with setbacks, they blame their perceived incompetence, trapping themselves in a vicious cycle which could lead to nervous exhaustion. If they can overcome this insecurity and approach everything positively and confidently, they’ll achieve great success. In terms of relationships, males should opt for females born in the twelfth month of the Horse year or the tenth month of the Goat year. Females, on the other hand, should consider males born in the fifth month of the Rabbit year or the eighth month of the Goat year.

Born in the Tenth Lunar Month:

People born in the tenth month of the Monkey year are often casual and don’t pay much attention to their appearance. When going out on dates, they might casually wear a jacket and ride on an old borrowed motorcycle. Their manner of speaking isn’t particularly sweet or refined. For example, when proposing to their girlfriends, they might bluntly say “Marry me” without much preamble. While their approach is direct, it often gives off an impression of sincerity and earnestness, leading to their proposals being accepted. After marriage, they prove to be responsible and considerate husbands. In terms of relationships, males should look for females born in the eighth month of the Ox year or the seventh month of the Rabbit year. Females are well-matched with males born in the eighth month of the Rabbit year or the second month of the Horse year.

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Born in the Eleventh Lunar Month:

Those born in the eleventh month of the Monkey year challenge traditions and dislike rigid routines, preferring a free and unbounded lifestyle. They possess ample capabilities and often prefer looking at the “bigger picture” rather than following conventional steps. This enables them to carve out new territories for themselves. From a young age, they often find favor with superiors and make a name for themselves in society. Females born this month are extremely capable. After marriage, not only can they manage their work well, but they also share household responsibilities with their husbands. However, they might not be particularly skilled in household chores and often prefer to have their careers. In terms of relationships, males should consider females who are skilled in managing household chores and were born in the eighth month of the Goat year. Females are well-matched with males born in the third month of the Rat year.

Born in the Twelfth Lunar Month:

Individuals born in the twelfth month of the Monkey year strike a perfect balance between work and leisure. They’re efficient in their tasks, seldom leaving them unfinished or wasting time. They adapt well to various environments and have a wide circle of friends, often bringing joy to those around them. In matters of romance, they’re adept at sweet talk and easily win the affections of the opposite gender. The females born this month possess attractive physiques and continue to stay fit and maintain their slender figures even after marriage. In terms of relationships, females should consider males born in the twelfth month of the Rabbit or Goat year, while males should look for females born in the fourth month of the Horse year.