Horse’s Personality by Blood Types

Blood Type and the Horoscope of the Horse

1. Horse people with Blood Type A

Horses with type A blood have a strong respect for traditions. They are considerate, avoiding causing inconvenience to others. However, they can be quite emotional. When happy, they are optimistic, humorous, and lively, but when upset, they become quiet, moody, and even irritable. They often seek comfort from friends, and after a chat, they’ll regain their usual cheerful demeanor. These individuals are straightforward and avoid mind games. They are candid about their thoughts and feelings and are genuine with their friends. They don’t pander or flatter and always consider others’ feelings.

When it comes to their fortune, these people have a keen mind and are good at seizing opportunities. However, just like their fluctuating moods, their fortunes are also inconsistent. Although they seem gentle and amicable on the outside, they can be quite stubborn internally. They need to be cautious of their uncompromising nature and should respect others’ wishes.

In relationships, Horses with type A blood are extremely sensitive. They struggle with heartbreaks, often leading them to become pessimistic, desolate, or even shattered. They tend to reminisce about past relationships. If given a chance to reunite with an old flame, they cherish this rekindled love deeply. Once married, their relationship is filled with affection and sweetness.

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2. Horse people with Blood Type B

Horse individuals with type B blood are genuine, easy-going, and not overly concerned with minor details. They act with transparency, honesty, and without deceit or manipulation. They are straightforward with friends and enjoy helping others. They not only lend a helping hand themselves but also rally others to help when they can’t. This makes them very popular, and when they face challenges, others are ready to help them out.

Often, these people create a lively atmosphere and might even concoct stories just for fun, which can make them seem frivolous to some. Due to their carefree nature, they sometimes neglect commitments and promises. This unreliability can make them less desirable partners in work or projects.

When it comes to love, Horses with type B blood are naturally romantic. They often have multiple relationships at once, and their love life is quite scattered. Their reluctance to commit and their pursuit of new romances make it hard for them to nurture a deep connection. If not careful, they may end up with no lasting relationships or rush into marriage without much thought. After marriage, it’s essential for them to be more restrained and focus on their marital bond to ensure a harmonious later life.

3. Horse people with Blood Type AB

Horses with type AB blood cherish their freedom and don’t like being restricted by others. They strive to live a vibrant and colorful life, often against any odds. They avoid power struggles, cunning schemes, and always act with honesty and integrity. However, they have a tendency to showcase themselves, being nosy or even seeking attention, always wishing for recognition.

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These individuals often prefer luxury and tend to complain about their current situations. They’re dreamers with unrealistic ambitions, missing out on real opportunities without regrets. They hold onto elusive dreams, and if they don’t ground themselves in reality, they might regret it when their castles in the sky collapse.

When it comes to love, they have an idealized view. Even if they’re dating someone perfect, they might feel the person doesn’t match their fantasy and might leave them. Yet later, they may lament the gap between their ideals and reality, causing inner conflict. Thus, they’re best suited with someone similar in character, who shares their zest for a vivid and romantic life, soaring together in pursuit of dreams.

4. Horse people with Blood Type O

Horse individuals with type O blood are candid, cheerful, and fear loneliness. They enjoy making friends of various types. Due to their genuine and friendly nature, they quickly warm up to new people. They’re often surrounded by a large group of friends, but these interactions might be more superficial than deep.

These individuals have a penchant for luxury and often live beyond their means, which can land them in financial trouble. It’s essential for them to stay grounded, set goals, and progress methodically to lead a purposeful life.

In relationships, they seek fairytale-like love and, when they find their ideal match, they commit wholeheartedly. After marriage, they highly respect their partner and grant them a lot of freedom. They don’t like feeling bound and can be flirtatious. However, once they have children, they become more responsible and start taking on familial duties actively.

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Male Horses with type O blood are best matched with women who are sensible, virtuous, lively, and cheerful. On the other hand, the females are better paired with men who are strong-willed, charismatic, and generous.