2002 Chinese Zodiac – Water Horse People born in the year 2002 fall under the Horse sign in the Chinese zodiac, and given the year’s Water element, they are recognized as the Water Horse. The Chinese lunar calendar differs from the Gregorian calendar. By the latter’s reckoning, those born between February 12, 2002, and January […]
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1939 Chinese Zodiac – Earth Rabbit Individuals born in 1939 are represented by the Rabbit in the Chinese zodiac. The year 1939 is associated with the Earth element based on the Chinese Five Elements cycle, so those born in this year are recognized as Earth Rabbits. As per the Gregorian calendar, the Earth Rabbit year […]
2021 Chinese Zodiac – Metal Ox Those born in 2021 fall under the Ox sign as per the Chinese zodiac. Given that 2021 is also a year associated with the Metal element in the Chinese Five Elements cycle, individuals born in this year are referred to as Metal Ox. According to the Gregorian calendar, people […]
1993 Chinese Zodiac – Water Rooster Those born in 1993 come under the Rooster sign in the Chinese zodiac, and since 1993 aligns with the Water element based on the Chinese Five Elements cycle, these individuals are designated as Water Roosters. As per the Gregorian calendar, the period from January 23, 1993, to February 9, […]
1978 Chinese Zodiac – Earth Horse People born in 1978 fall under the sign of the Horse in the Chinese zodiac. Given the year’s Earth element, they are categorized as the Earth Horse. The Chinese lunar calendar differs from the Gregorian calendar. By the latter’s measure, the Earth Horse year spans from February 7, 1978, […]
2012 Chinese Zodiac – Water Dragon Introduction: The year 2012 is marked as the Dragon year in the Chinese Zodiac, with the elemental sign being Water. Specifically, individuals born between January 23, 2012, and February 9, 2013, are Water Dragons. Those born from January 1 to January 22 of 2012 are Metal Rabbits. Lucky Symbols […]
2008 Chinese Zodiac – Earth Rat People born in the year 2008 are under the zodiac sign of the Rat, and given the Chinese Five Elements, they are categorized as Earth Rats. According to the lunar calendar, the Earth Rat year extends from February 6, 2008, to January 25, 2009. However, those born between January […]
1980 Chinese Zodiac – Metal Monkey People born in 1980 are represented by the Monkey in the Chinese zodiac. When combined with the Five Elements cycle, they are specifically identified as Metal Monkeys. According to the Gregorian calendar, individuals born between February 16, 1980, and February 4, 1981, fall under this sign. However, those born […]
1983 Chinese Zodiac – Water Pig People born in the year 1983 fall under the Chinese zodiac sign of the Pig, and since the year is associated with the element Water, these individuals are identified as Water Pigs. The Chinese zodiac follows the lunar calendar, which means that those born between February 13 and December […]
2011 Chinese Zodiac – Metal Rabbit Individuals born in the year 2011 fall under the Chinese zodiac sign of the Rabbit. Given the Chinese Five Elements, those born in this year are classified as Metal Rabbits. Based on the lunar calendar, the Metal Rabbit year spans from February 3, 2011, to January 22, 2012. However, […]