Rooster Personality by Birth Month

Fortune of Rooster People Based on Birth Month

Born in the First Lunar Month

Individuals born during this month are intuitive, intelligent, and great planners. They are charismatic, but they tend to exaggerate stories, which can sometimes cause others to doubt their words. They have a flair for showmanship and enjoy traveling, especially to European countries. They manage finances well and lead comfortable lives. Ideal careers include diplomats or politicians. In love, they’re rational and won’t be easily swayed by emotions. As for compatibility, men are suited with women born in the Tiger year during the seventh lunar month, while women match with men born in the Dragon year during the fifth month or the Sheep year in the twelfth month.

Born in the Second Lunar Month

People born in this period cherish freedom and detest restrictions. They’re unyielding and often fight for their beliefs. Men are particularly loyal and devoted in love. Women, on the other hand, pay a lot of attention to their appearance. In terms of compatibility, men match with women born in the Ox year during the eighth lunar month, while women are best paired with men born in the Dragon year during the sixth month or the Pig year in the ninth month.

Born in the Third Lunar Month

These individuals are idealists with a strong sense of justice. However, they might be a bit neurotic. They don’t prioritize money, often indulging in wasteful habits, yet they tend to have savings. They are likely to achieve significant success in official roles or businesses in a short span of time, although the journey is arduous. For relationships, men are best paired with fashion-conscious women, while women match with men born in the Horse year during the eighth month.

Born in the Fourth Lunar Month

See also  Year of the Rooster

People born during this time are calm, collected, and inherently optimistic. They are bright, and disciplined, and although they tend to splurge, they usually have savings. Many from this month rise from humble beginnings to acquire great wealth. Suitable careers involve cerebral tasks, particularly those dealing with finances. They are generous and care for others with a naturally upbeat disposition. In terms of compatibility, men are best matched with women born in the Ox year during the ninth lunar month, while women pair well with men born in the Sheep year during the twelfth month.

Born in the Fifth Lunar Month

Individuals born during this month are diligent and gentle. However, they are overly cautious in their undertakings, often lacking boldness which results in lack of achievement. They have few friends and tend to live within a small circle. Honesty is their trademark. Ideal professions include librarians, politicians, and administrative secretaries. Regardless of their job, they shouldn’t remain confined to their homes; working abroad or outside their hometown is beneficial for their growth. In relationships, men match well with women born in the Dragon year during the first lunar month or the Ox year in the sixth month. Women are best paired with loyal, generous men born in the Snake year during the eleventh month.

Born in the Sixth Lunar Month

People born in this month are emotionally rich and sensitive. They often cry or get angry over minor issues. They love to plan, but their major shortcoming is impatience, often abandoning tasks halfway. A career in the entertainment industry or as a producer is ideal. For relationships, men should consider women born in the Ox year during the eighth month, while women are suited with men born in the Tiger year in the ninth month.

See also  Rooster Zodiac Sign by Birth Date

Born in the Seventh Lunar Month

Those born during this time are mentally agile, constantly brimming with new ideas and visions. They have the capability to implement them, but their impatience and lack of calmness and steadiness make them appear immature. Suitable careers include those in trade and exports, electronics, publishing, and other speculative industries. Regarding compatibility, men match with women born in the Ox year during the third month, while women go well with understanding men, especially those born in the Ox year in the twelfth month.

Born in the Eighth Lunar Month

Individuals born in this period are generous and liberal-minded. They are forgiving of others’ mistakes and can easily find excuses for their own missteps. They are not too demanding and possess a weak will, making them susceptible to external temptations. In terms of relationships, men should seek partners born in the Monkey year during the eighth month. Women, on the other hand, match best with men born in the Tiger year during the ninth month.

Born in the Ninth Lunar Month

People born in this month of the Rooster year tend to have unconventional thoughts and hate imitating others, always striving for uniqueness in their actions. Men born during this month are quite talented, so they thrive in companies that prioritize talent over other factors. The women have a casual, genuine nature and, with their elegant appearance, they are quite charming. In terms of relationships, men match well with women born in the fifth year during April. Women should consider men born in the Monkey year during March.

Born in the Tenth Lunar Month

Individuals born in this month are serious and mild-mannered with a strong inner resolve. They don’t give up easily and are soft on the outside but firm inside. They approach everything methodically and take gradual steps towards their goals, ensuring they often end up victorious. Women born in this month are quite popular but can lack tolerance at times, often getting into disputes over trivial matters or being overly critical. They believe in fate and often get their palms read. For relationships, men match best with women born in the Dragon year during November. Women are best paired with men born in the Ox year in November.

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Born in the Eleventh Lunar Month

People born during this month, regardless of their age, maintain an innocent and pure heart. They’re naturally curious about everything. Men have a casual attitude towards love and might be seen as proponents of bachelorhood. However, once they get married, they become warm and attentive partners, displaying both humor and consideration. In relationships, men suit women born in the Dragon year during April. Women match well with men born in the Dragon year in July.

Born in the Twelfth Lunar Month

Individuals born in this period are very tactful. They excel in persuasion and have a powerful ability to influence others. They’re eloquent and adept at reading people’s emotions and intentions. Whether in school, organizations, or at work, they’re seen as competent individuals excelling in both literary and martial pursuits. They love to help others, refusing to turn down tasks they’re capable of completing, resulting in many friendships and excellent interpersonal relationships. They can leverage their expertise in various areas, earning them favor with superiors. For relationships, men should choose partners born in the Dragon year during October. Women, who enjoy a thrilling life, pair well with men born in the Pig year during August.