2015 Chinese Zodiac

2015 Chinese Zodiac – Wood Sheep

Date Range: Individuals born from February 19, 2015, to February 7, 2016, are Wood Sheep. Those born from January 1 to February 18 in 2015 fall under the Wood Horse sign.

Lucky Signs:

Numbers: 2, 7

Colors: Yellow, Gray

2023 Horoscope:

Education: With their intellect and the guidance of adept teachers, they will absorb a plethora of knowledge.

Family and Social Life: Family trips will be beneficial for them, and their kind-hearted nature will make them popular in school.

Diet and Health: Picky eating may be an issue. Parents should encourage healthy eating habits and monitor their pocket money, instilling correct views on consumption.

Personality Traits:

Positive: They are courteous, imaginative, and diligent, ensuring they are well-liked and reliable.

Negative: Despite many friends, very few are intimate, and they might exhibit signs of pessimism and spiritual instability.


While they may face challenges in their professional life, their hard work will lead to opportunities for recognition and advancement. However, they should approach risky ventures with caution, analyzing thoroughly before taking action.


Their career efforts will result in a comfortable financial status. Good at managing finances, they can accumulate significant savings, but should be cautious with high-risk investments.

Love & Relationships:

Their love life will be fulfilling, finding genuine partners with ease. A steady marriage and regular travel with their partners will further strengthen their bonds.


Generally blessed with good health, they might sometimes feel fatigued. Ensuring a balanced work-rest routine and adequate sleep will be beneficial.

See also  2022 Chinese Zodiac