1990 Chinese Zodiac

1990 Chinese Zodiac – Metal Horse

Birth Years: People born from January 27, 1990, to February 14, 1991, are Metal Horses. Those born from January 1 to January 26 in 1990 are Earth Snakes.

Lucky Signs:

Numbers: 2, 7

Color: Red

2023 Horoscope:

Career challenges await Metal Horses in 2023. They should remain calm and methodical, avoiding hasty decisions to prevent major errors at work. Unexpected expenses might crop up, suggesting the importance of saving. On the love front, singles have a good chance of finding their ideal partner. Married couples might experience minor conflicts but will generally have a harmonious year.

Personality Traits:

Metal Horses born in 1990 are kind-hearted, sociable, and insightful. They have a zest for life, enjoying intellectual challenges and sports. Fashionable and with a keen sense of style, they prefer not to conform. Their strong self-confidence is admirable, but they can sometimes be too direct, risking offense.


Metal Horses are diligent and tend to be appreciated by superiors. Their amiable nature aids in maintaining good relationships with colleagues. Continuous learning related to their field will further their career prospects.


Financially, they will fare well, benefiting from their hard work. As they climb the corporate ladder, their earnings will increase. They also have potential success in investments.

Love & Relationships:

Finding love might be a bit challenging for Metal Horses. They yearn for deep emotional connections and can have high expectations of their partners. It’s essential for them to realize that nobody is perfect.


Metal Horses generally have robust health, attributable to their active lifestyle and love for exercise. This keeps them both physically fit and mentally relieved from stress.

See also  1977 Chinese Zodiac