1985 Chinese Zodiac: Wood Ox
Dates: People born between February 20, 1985, to February 8, 1986, are Wood Oxen. Those born from January 1 to February 19, 1985, are from the Wood Rat year.
Lucky Signs:
- Numbers: 1, 4, 7, 8
- Colors: blue, yellow, orange
2023 Horoscope:
- Career and wealth are stable, relying mainly on regular income.
- Singles have high chances of meeting their ideal partners and might even get married.
- Overall good marriage life for those already married.
- Health issues might arise, especially skin or gastrointestinal problems. Elders in the family may face health concerns.
2024 Horoscope:
- A challenging year, especially regarding health.
- Regular health check-ups are advised.
- Work life is average but be wary of deceitful individuals.
- Married individuals should spend quality time with their spouse.
- Singles might find a mature partner.
- Income remains sufficient to cover daily expenses.
Personality Traits:
- Wood Oxen are kind-hearted, patient, and determined.
- They are confident and stay calm under pressure.
- However, they can be stubborn and may get into disputes over minor issues. They need to be more attentive to avoid being careless.
- Interpersonal issues might hinder their progress in the workplace.
- Entrepreneurs face slow business growth. Networking is advised for better prospects.
- Despite a slow career trajectory, the Wood Ox enjoys stable income.
- They have a good knack for investments but should be cautious of potential risks.
Love and Relationships:
- Wood Oxen are fortunate in love with many admirers.
- They generally have harmonious marriages, but midlife temptations can pose challenges. Fidelity and commitment are crucial.
- Generally, Wood Oxen enjoy good health with minimal risks.
- Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, like regular exercise and a balanced diet, is essential.
- Avoiding vices like smoking and drinking and adhering to safety rules can help ensure long-term well-being.