1978 Chinese Zodiac

1978 Chinese Zodiac – Earth Horse

People born in 1978 fall under the sign of the Horse in the Chinese zodiac. Given the year’s Earth element, they are categorized as the Earth Horse.

The Chinese lunar calendar differs from the Gregorian calendar. By the latter’s measure, the Earth Horse year spans from February 7, 1978, to January 27, 1979. However, individuals born from January 1 to February 6 in 1978 belong to the previous year’s sign, the Fire Snake.

Lucky Signs for 1978 Earth Horse:

  • Lucky Numbers: 2, 6, 8
  • Lucky Colors: brown, yellow, purple

2023 Horoscope for Earth Horse Born in 1978:

For those born in the year of the Earth Horse, 2023 poses challenges in their career, particularly for entrepreneurs. Business partnerships may face conflicts, possibly leading to dissolutions. On the job front, they might experience a plateau in performance and consequently, earnings may not see a significant rise. As a result, careful financial management is recommended, prioritizing necessary expenses over luxury or frivolous spending.

Single Earth Horses might find it challenging to find partners this year and should consider expanding their social horizons. Those married may experience domestic discord, largely attributed to their temperamental nature. Seeking positive outlets, like exercise, can be beneficial both for emotional well-being and physical health.

Personality Traits of the 1978 Earth Horse:

The Earth Horses of 1978 are known for their optimistic nature. Responsible, amiable, and generous, they form bonds easily, often being perceived as dependable friends. Their just and honest nature ensures fairness in their interactions.

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Yet, these individuals can be impulsive and short-tempered, which sometimes results in them abandoning projects mid-way. Their pride and occasional arrogance can hinder them from acknowledging their faults. A tendency to focus on life’s negatives may lead to frequent complaints; they’d do well to adopt a more present-centric and contented outlook.


In their professional lives, Earth Horses generally fare well. Their intelligence and commitment don’t go unnoticed, paving the way for promotions. Being resourceful, they can leverage available resources effectively, making them strong candidates for leadership roles.


Financially, Earth Horses enjoy a favorable disposition. Their job usually offers a decent remuneration, and their acumen for investments often yields additional income. However, they must curb tendencies to splurge and make impulsive purchases to ensure financial stability.

Love and Relationships:

The love life of an Earth Horse tends to be stable. Their benevolent nature wins them many friends and typically, they commit to a single partner for life. Both partners exhibit mutual care and respect. However, when dealing with children, they should exercise patience and avoid being excessively stern.


Healthwise, the Earth Horse might face challenges, mainly due to their temper leading to potential cardiovascular issues. It’s imperative to manage and channel anger healthily and constructively to prevent associated health complications.