1970 Chinese Zodiac

1970 Chinese Zodiac – Metal Dog

Date Range: Individuals born between February 6 and December 31 in 1970 fall under the Metal Dog sign. Those who were born from January 1 to February 5 in 1970 belong to the Earth Rooster.

Lucky Signs:

Numbers: 2 and 7 are considered fortunate numbers for the Metal Dog. These numbers may resonate with them in various aspects of life.

Color: Red is deemed a lucky color. Wearing or incorporating red in their surroundings could possibly attract positive energy.

2023 Horoscope:


This year proved fruitful for Metal Dogs. Their years of diligence and accumulated wisdom are set to pay off. Not only will they have opportunities to elevate their professional status, but they may also form valuable alliances. These partnerships could lead to profitable ventures outside their primary occupation.


Their domestic life is expected to be particularly serene. The bond with their spouse or partner seems to be fortified by mutual respect and understanding. Moreover, their relationship with children and possibly grandchildren appears to be filled with affection, creating a cohesive family unit.


The emphasis on health is crucial this year. There is an indication of declining vitality, especially concerning dietary habits. Regular health check-ups and a balanced diet should be prioritized.

Personality Traits:


One of the most notable traits of the Metal Dog is their unwavering determination. They are incredibly cautious, ensuring every decision is well-thought-out. This, combined with their robust self-esteem and independence, makes them formidable. Their honest, straightforward nature garners trust and respect.

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Despite their strengths, Metal Dogs can sometimes exhibit mood fluctuations. Their stubborn nature might deter them from seeing alternative perspectives. There’s also a tendency to view situations through a somewhat pessimistic lens.


The trajectory of their professional journey seems to incline favorably as they approach their 50s. While initial years might present challenges, primarily due to a lack of external support, the latter part of their career will be marked by achievements and recognition.


Financially, there’s a gradual shift towards stability. While they are consistent earners, their knack for business dynamics could be better. Entrusting surplus funds with experienced individuals or investment firms might be beneficial.

Love & Relationships:

Family remains the cornerstone for the Metal Dog. Their nurturing and protective nature ensures a harmonious domestic atmosphere. However, it’s essential for them to strike a balance and not become overly possessive or intrusive.


Health concerns primarily revolve around sleep disturbances. Chronic insomnia or irregular sleep patterns could adversely affect both their professional and personal life. It’s crucial to adopt a more disciplined sleep schedule, minimize electronic usage before bedtime, and possibly embrace relaxation techniques.