1945 Chinese Zodiac

1945 Chinese Zodiac – Wood Rooster

Date Range: People born between February 13, 1945, and February 1, 1946, are Wood Roosters. Those born from January 1 to February 12 in 1945 belong to the Wood Monkey sign.

Lucky Signs:

Numbers: 0, 5

Colors: Yellow, White

2023 Horoscope:

Career: Many Wood Roosters have retired by 2023, freeing them from workplace pressures.

Wealth: Financial stability is essential. They should manage their retirement funds and savings wisely, and be wary of frauds and risky purchases.

Relationships: Emphasizing harmony and patience will help in maintaining pleasant relationships. Avoiding conflicts and fostering understanding are key.

Health: Health may decline, necessitating regular exercises and a balanced lifestyle. Regular medical check-ups are advisable, and special attention should be given to prevent fractures.

Personality Traits:


Wood Roosters are compassionate, diligent, punctual, and humorous. They often act as stress-relievers in social situations.


They might struggle with independent thinking and problem-solving, often seeking external help when challenges arise.


Given their age, many would have stepped back from their professional roles, and it’s advised for those still working to consider spending more quality time with their families.


With their commendable career track record, their financial situation is often favorable. Their investment ventures also seem to bring them good returns.

Love & Relationships:

Their marital bonds are generally stable. However, they need to control temperamental outbursts to maintain the harmony in their relationships.

See also  1998 Chinese Zodiac


Aging necessitates a focus on health. A nutrition-rich diet, regular physical activity, and avoiding exposure to harsh weather conditions are essential. Periodic health check-ups will also be beneficial.