1942 Chinese Zodiac

1942 Chinese Zodiac – Water Horse

People born in the year 1942 fall under the Horse sign according to the Chinese Zodiac. Incorporating the Chinese Five Elements theory, those born in this year are identified as Water Horses. The lunar calendar dictates that the Water Horse year spans from February 15, 1942, to February 5, 1943. Those born from January 1 to February 14 1942 are associated with the preceding sign, the Metal Snake.

Lucky Symbols:

  • Numbers: 2, 7
  • Colors: Red, Blue, Green

2023 Horoscope:

For Water Horses born in 1942, 2023 may present challenges, causing many initially planned activities, such as trips or visits, to be postponed or canceled. Nevertheless, maintaining a positive mindset is essential. Engaging in alternative enjoyable activities like cooking or shopping can uplift spirits. There’s also a possibility of disagreements or misunderstandings, so adopting a calm demeanor is advised. Staying physically active and adhering to a healthy lifestyle is also paramount for maintaining good health. Overall, their luck this year is relatively stable with minimal fluctuations.

For further insights, consult the Horse Horoscope in 2023.

Personality Traits:

1942 Water Horses are known for their joyful and decisive nature. Their adaptable minds are accompanied by unique perspectives on various topics. A penchant for orderliness and high standards for life quality define them. They generally maintain a jovial disposition and possess a great sense of humor, making them a favorite amongst friends.

However, they can sometimes display impatience and heightened emotions. Their indecisiveness and difficulty in setting boundaries might also present challenges.

See also  1959 Chinese Zodiac

More details can be found in the Personality of the Horse section.


Throughout their professional journey, Water Horses have experienced significant success, frequently assisted by others. Even in retirement, their wisdom and expertise can prove valuable to younger generations, allowing them to lead a fulfilling post-retirement phase.

For career-related guidance, refer to the dedicated Horse career sections.


Water Horses’ financial prospects might be hindered due to their propensity for generous spending. Their tendency to bear expenses during outings or readily lending money to friends can strain their finances. To ensure a secure financial future, cultivating prudent spending habits is essential.

Love & Relationships:

The romantic life of Water Horses has been largely harmonious. Their romantic nature combined with their even temper facilitates a peaceful marital life. Older, single Water Horses may not be actively seeking partners, finding contentment in the company of their offspring.

Explore the Horse’s Love Compatibility for deeper insights.


While Water Horses generally enjoy good health, advancing age necessitates more vigilant self-care. Regular intake of vitamins and engaging in physical activities can help in maintaining vitality. Consuming fresh meals over leftovers ensures adequate nutrition and reduces health risks. Regular post-meal exercises can also enhance physical well-being and appetite.